Web Development Kickstart Journey

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Web Development Kickstart Journey

Welcome to Web Development Kickstart Journey for Kids, an exciting and engaging course designed to introduce young minds to the fascinating world of web development. With a structured approach spanning 170 sessions, this course is tailored to make learning fun and accessible for children, transforming them into confident young web developers.

HTML Basics
We begin with the essentials of HTML, the backbone of web pages. Your child will learn to create web pages by understanding basic structures, formatting text, and adding lists and links. They’ll explore adding images and videos, making tables, and creating forms. By the end of this module, your child will be able to create their very own personal web page.

CSS Basics
Next, we dive into CSS, the magic behind making web pages look beautiful. Your child will learn how to style their web pages with colors, backgrounds, and borders. They will understand layout techniques using Flexbox and Grid Layout, enhance their pages with different fonts, and ensure they look great on any device with responsive design. This phase concludes with a project to style their personal web page, showcasing their CSS skills.

Advanced HTML & CSS
Building on the basics, we move on to advanced HTML and CSS topics. Your child will learn complex selectors, pseudo-classes, and pseudo-elements. This section introduces CSS variables, preprocessors like Sass, and frameworks such as Bootstrap. They’ll also learn about making websites accessible and optimizing performance. The module ends with a project to create a responsive multi-page website.

JavaScript brings web pages to life, and this part of the course is divided into three engaging sub-sections:

  • JavaScript Basics:
    Starting with the basics, your child will learn about variables, data types, operators, loops, and functions. They’ll also get to know arrays and objects, handle errors, and manipulate the Document Object Model (DOM). This segment concludes with a project to create an interactive web page with dynamic elements like buttons and forms.
  • Advanced JavaScript:
    In this phase, your child will explore more advanced JavaScript concepts such as ES6+ features, including let and const, arrow functions, template literals, and destructuring. They will learn about asynchronous programming with promises and async/await, modules, event handling, and AJAX. This part concludes with a project that involves creating dynamic content with JavaScript.
  • JavaScript Frameworks & Libraries:
    Your child will be introduced to popular tools like jQuery and React.js. They will learn to manipulate the DOM, handle events, and create components and props in React. They’ll also explore state and lifecycle, hooks, routing, and managing state with Redux. This segment ends with a project to build a single-page application with React, plus an introduction to Node.js and creating a RESTful API with Express.

In this section, kids will learn about NoSQL databases with MongoDB. They will set up MongoDB, perform CRUD operations, model data, create indexes, and understand relationships. They’ll also learn about cloud deployment, security, and optimizing performance. This module wraps up with a project to build a full-stack application using MongoDB.

Node.js & Express.js
This part covers advanced Node.js concepts, including building REST APIs with Express.js, middleware, error handling, authentication, working with databases, file uploads, and real-time communication with WebSockets. They’ll also learn about testing and deploying Node.js applications. The projects here include creating RESTful APIs with authentication and a full-stack application with GraphQL and React.

In this exciting segment, your child will learn advanced React component patterns, state management with Context API, error boundaries, performance optimization, and testing React components. They’ll also get an introduction to React Native, setting up environments, building UIs, navigation, networking, debugging, and integrating REST APIs. The module includes projects on mobile app development with React Native and advanced React applications.

Full Stack Project
The course concludes with a comprehensive full-stack project where your child will plan and design an application architecture, build backends with Node.js and Express, integrate MongoDB, create RESTful APIs, handle authentication, set up frontends with React, manage state with Redux, and connect React with REST APIs. They will also implement advanced features, test their applications, optimize performance, deploy to the cloud, monitor and maintain their apps, and finally present their projects. This project will be a crowning achievement, showcasing all the skills they have learned.

By the end of the Web Development Kickstart Journey for Kids, your child will have a robust portfolio of web projects, showcasing their ability to design, develop, and deploy full-stack web applications. This course will equip them with the skills and confidence needed to excel in the world of web development, sparking their curiosity and creativity.

Join us and watch your child’s coding skills soar!

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What Will You Learn?

  • Kids tackle coding challenges and debugging projects.
  • Improves academic performance and everyday decision-making.
  • Combines technical skills with creative expression.
  • Allows kids to design and build websites.
  • Encourages originality, crucial for future success in any field.
  • Teaches basics of HTML, CSS, JavaScript, and advanced frameworks like React.
  • Prepares kids for future studies and careers in the tech industry.
  • Includes numerous projects and practical exercises.
  • Helps kids retain information better and understand how to apply their skills.
  • Equips kids with skills in high demand globally.
  • Sparks interest in tech careers, setting them up for future success.

Course Content

HTML – (HyperText Markup Language)

  • Introduction to the Web and HTML
  • Images and Multimedia
  • Tables
  • Forms and Input
  • Semantic HTML Elements
  • Exploration of HTML
  • Personal Web Page

CSS – Basics (Cascading Style Sheet)

Advanced CSS

JavaScript Basics

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